My newts breed every year. The temperature changes from 68 - 75 throughout the year, that's it. Adult eastern newts do not need land. Mine have very little and never go there, they remain entirely aquatic. The depth of the tank is around 10" with gravel on the bottom. Elodea does work well, but my newts tend to prefer South American Bacopa. The leaves are larger and they tend to like them better. I put 4, 10-12" strands of it in the tank at a time and remove/replace them after one week. I put the egg laden bacopa in a ten gallon tank filled 1/2 way with Filtered fresh water. after 6-10 days the eggs hatch and net out the larvae and put them into individual cups of filtered fresh water with a sprig of pathos (good filtration) and go from there.
The key, in my opinion, to breeding these guys is to have many adults. 2-3 adults will yield very little reproduction, if at all. I have 8 in a 40 gallon well established setup and I could easily breed a couple hundred of these guys. This year I only put two sets of bacopa in there and came away with 56 growing, thriving larvae.
Send me an PM with your research abstract and maybe we can work something out to get you some free larvae.