You can get a small worm farm from Bunnings for $20. Its like a cardboard container about the size of a shoebox that you keep in a cool room. Heaps in there.
Feed them live, wash them off first. Its usually pretty easy to find a suitably sized worm for the discerning axy mouth. What will happen is when you buy the farm, there will be mostly medium to large ones and after about 8 weeks, the smaller ones start popping up. ANd it doesn't smell either. Dont feed meat or citrus. Or onions. Apparently they like oatmeal, but I personally haven't tried it.
Natalie, I brought one of those worm farms and my axie hates those worms, they are a red colour and apparently taste nasty to an axie.
Morley aquariums use to sell small containers of them for around $3 or $4 but they ran out of stock a while back maybe try calling them see if they have anymore in.
Or maybe your axie will like the ones in the farm.
Some of my axolotls eat worms, some don't. At present, there are about 3 of mine who will always accept them. I think it just depends on what they are used to eating and how hungry they are at the time. I think though that if you cut an earthworm, it can secrete a unpleasant odour or substance which may put off predators.
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