Dusky Salamander feeding questions

Black Spot

New member
Jul 11, 2022
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United States
Hi I’m new to keeping salamanders though I’m fairly experienced with frogs, lizards, and fish. Mine is a juvenile that is freshly morphed only been about a week or two since it’s left it’s larval stage and is about 3/4 of an inch how much and how often should it be fed currently I’m feeding it 2 insects slightly smaller then it’s head usually a fly or moth or one pea borer moth caterpillar which can be 1/2 to 1/4 an inch when I can get them. I also give it constant access to mosquito larvae will it eat these or is it a waste of time. I breed fruit flys, Dubia roaches, and isopods. It can’t eat the full grown fruit flies since mine can sadly fly and it’s to small to eat even freshly born dubia’s it also refuses to even try any isopods I offer any tips on how I can get it to eat them I’d feel better if I could get some more calcium in it’s diet. Well anyways sorry this is kind of a mess any tips would be appreciated.
Here you go this is it’s current setup once it gets a bit bigger I’m going to move it to a 10 gallon with a small pump or current maker
You might try pin head crickets and It might take some scud and the mosquito larvae are probably a waste of time and when you upgrade it you could probably use a repto filter or zoo med makes a smaller canister filter
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