I was wondering if any of you had any info regarding how long your Cps laid eggs. With mine I first noticed courtship and then the first eggs right around Nov 27ish. Now, at the end of Jan, the females seem to have stopped laying. I still have several eggs in the tank waiting to hatch but all that I can see are well past the blastula stage, with tails and sometimes moving. Though the male is still doing his darndest to court the lady newts, the gals seem done. Just wondering if this time frame was normal - its fine with me if it is since I have all the baby newts one could ask for. Oh, and as a side, my male never courts the females in the plants (floating elodea). If the females swim to the bottom for food or something he zooms over to them and begins harassing. However he never follows them back into the plants, and should he happen to meet one while in the plants he ignores them. I thought this was interesting and wondered if others had observed similar. Thanks in advance for any comments,