Does this tiger salamander look bloated?


New member
Nov 20, 2017
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United States
Or just fat?

Hey guys, so I bought this tiger sal at Tinley back at the beginning of October. "She" has always eaten voraciously for me. To the point where if I'm in the room for a period of time she'll poke her head out of her cave and then crawl towards me begging for food, even though she'd eaten the previous day. As tigers do, apparently. I thought she looked like she was getting fat, but then she loves to eat so I didn't think much of it. Then about 5 days ago on a feeding day, she didn't want to eat at all. And well, I'm a worrier.

She's since eaten again, but after looking for info online I'm worried that she may be bloated instead of fat. All this time I've had her I've never once seen something in her cage that I was 100% certain was poop. Her water dish has looked dirty sometimes, but she does have dirt in her cage. And it hasn't looked dirty for a while. So I'm worried maybe she has an impaction or something. If she does look bloated I'll take her to the vet, it's just I need to be certain something is wrong because unfortunately it's nearly a 2 hour drive to a decent herp vet.

Here are some pics. I'd say she's been this round for at minimum 2 weeks - my memory doesn't really extend much farther than that.
I would say that she is a little over weight. You need to be strong here, and resist her begging for food :D This time of year, I have noticed that my females start to have a more rounded look in preparation for the breeding season.
My Tigers only get fed at the most twice a week a few earthworms.
Thanks for the response! :) And oh good, so it doesn't look weird or anything?

I've been kinda unsure of how often to feed her because I've read that adults should be fed 2-3 times a week and juveniles up to every other day, and I'm not sure if she qualifies as a juvenile or not. She's been out of the water I guess for about 3 months now.
Looks really nice. Females, they eat almost continuously. Males sometimes skip food for a week. Do not give food with a high fat content. Then it will not go wrong.


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