Does my Axolotl have ich or is it his natural colouring or is it something entirely different?


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Apr 30, 2012
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United Kingdom
I really need some help, i'm no expert, a beginner in fact.
My Axolotl, Adama, has been displaying some unusual symptoms, I've had a good look at all the threads and at first I thought he just had constipation, he hadn't pooed for over two weeks, but has vomited, he also just didn't seem his usual social self. He has had two fridge sessions, which didn't see him pass any poo but did see tiny bits of skin flake off. Although he has been vomiting, he hasn't lost his appetite, he loves eating, but I only feed him every other day - bloodworms, prawn, live river shrimp.
Another thing is, he had two lumps in his belly, I expected this was either undigested food or gravel, anyway these burst, not sure of he knocked into himself, but he almost had 2 punctures in his side, they seem to be healing now, but is that associated with ICH?
Anyway, he did the whole headstand, unbalanced thing and his eyes don't look as bright and sparky, he has also developed white dots on all his legs, although they look more goldish in natural light. He has a camouflaged speckley look to his body, again, i'm not sure if this has developed as he has got older and is just his skin or whether it is this dreaded ich?
I really don't want to give him salt baths, are they any other methods, or would he be ok in the fridge? I've changed his water, I took him out too whilst heating the water to a very high temperature, I cleaned the tank and all the gravel with boiling water and have taken the plants out as thought they might have something to do with it.

I enclose some pics, didn't get his face in, has thought flash would hurt his eyes.

PS I have heard gravel is not great, should I have sand? what kind? Thanks!


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The gravel is the problem. That's not ich, that's just the wild type coloration. They get speckles of (iridophores?) I believe. The gravel is causing bloat, which will explain the headstands, not eating and vomiting. I would fridge him for the next two weeks or so until he poops it all out, and change the gravel to sand or bare bottom immediately. Make sure the sand is fine. You can use sifted play sand, but I use normal aquarium sand and rinse it many many times. Even with rinsing the water will cloud up, but the sand will settle quickly with a filter.
Thank you very much for your advice, will get on to all of that straight away!
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    Anlucero: I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his... +1