Does anyone know a web site where i can buy caudatates from?



I wanted to find a site where i can purchase amphibians. Reptile depot only has frogs. I need something with newts and salamanders aswell.
Glades herps: is good.

I got my mudpuppy from a biological supply co. called Wards Biological and had a great dealing with them. If you intend on getting a mudpuppy they are only for sale untill the end of April. They have axolotls, amphiumas, and newts too.
I'm no moderator but I believe that it is against policy to post links to dealers of WC animals.
Maybe I made a mistake but they sell axolotls which are CB, also I have posted links to this site before.
All axolotls are captive bred.

Kingsnake tends to deal a LOT with people who collect their animals by dubious means. For the most part, they're poachers. I refuse to buy anything from Kingsnake.
But since hardly any animals are captive bred, isn't everything we buy basically poached?
A lot of animals are taken illegally from the wild while some are collected legally. It is much better to buy captive bred animals as they are generally healthier. They are also not smuggled or illegally taken from the wild.

If you really want to get a newt or salamander, the best option would be to watch the For Sale forum until the animal you want is available. These are all captive bred with the occasional Long term captive (LTC). You can also post in the Animals Wanted forum. Either way I would recommend waiting, researching and then purchasing a healthy captive bred animal.
In the Netherlands almost everything I see is captive bred. a.o. Triturus, Lissotriton Salamandra, Tylototriton, Pleurodeles or Cynops

But I think the rules in The US are also different. I wouldn't buy anything poached.
No. My only defense for that is ignorance.

I purchased my Pachytriton labiatus as a wild caught animal. My Cynops orientalis is a rescue and my Salamandra are captive bred along with the other animals I keep.

I will not be purchasing any more wild caught animals unless I will be captive breeding them. I do hope to setup a large aquarium for my Pachytriton and a few mates and attempt to breed them.

If I had understood more of wild collecting techniques and other issues with the pet trade I would only have my rescued and captive bred animals. I think people should be informed and make decisions with as much knowledge as possible. It may be that a poster doesn't know about the plight of wild animals or the problems with wild collected animals. It is our duty to inform them so they at least have heard of the complications even if they do not listen.
My mudpuppy is WC but I don't think that is bad. I intend on trying to breed them in the future so I thought that getting one would be a good way to see how they survive in captivity. My opinion on WC animals is that endangered or threatened animals should never (unless the buyer plans on breeding) be kept. On the other hand I think it is ok to capture an raise common wild salamanders (red-backs, spotteds, mudpuppies, sirens etc.).

All in all I think CB is best though.
It is pretty hypocrite for me to say i´m against WC since i spent my whole childhood catching every newt i saw....but now that i understand what´s going on i have to say that WC should be avoided. I´m not totally against it, because if it wasn´t for the wild animals that are and were caught, we wouldn´t be keeping any newt or salamander.
I could have caught as many adult marmoratus as i wanted.....but i think i really made a right decission by getting them CB even though it seems not to be completely legal in my country. At least i know i didn´t harm any population for enjoying my little marms. I agree with Ryan, when it´s about very common species i would be less strict, but anyone illegally keeping wild endangered animals should be heavily punished. It should be a must for all us to try an ensure the future of this creatures in the wild not to spoil the natural populations for our enjoyment.
Ryan-it is very rare for mudpuppies to breed in captivity, you need a huge tank to house more than one animal, they are extremely territorial. Of all the times we kept them, one killed the rest, regardless of how large the tank was.
Also, mud-puppies are now a threatened species where I come from.

(Message edited by trincan on April 04, 2007)

(Message edited by aartse_tuyn on April 04, 2007)
Kara, I've edited out your offer (I deleted your previous post too). Please either contact Abrahm privately or place an ad in the relevant area of the forum. Thank you.
I am aware that mudpuppies are difficult to breed, when I said I would try to breed them in the future I didn't necessarily mean Necturus maculosus, I was think of maybe N. punctatus or the very common N. cf. species beyeri. I am also aware that they are threatened in Ontario but they are more common to abundant in other states.

Do you have any pictures of your N. maculosus animals or setups for the past. Pictures of setups would greatly hep the plan for a breeding setup later on down the road.

(Message edited by i_love_necturus on April 04, 2007)
Mark, that's why I added the post info again-I didn't realize you deleted it. I thought my computer was being lame. Sorry, let me know next time!
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