Question: Does anyone have pictures of an axanthic axolotl?

Antony Rossi

New member
Feb 11, 2010
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United States
I'm curious to know what they look like. Fromm what I've heard they don't thrive though I'm unsure of how long they actually survive.
From what i hear they rarely make it to adult.
But i think it would be hard to tell a melanoid albino and a axanthic apart.

I'm no expert though, hopefully someone else may be able to help.

I always thought they were the more yellowey albinos you see (I mean more yellow than golden) shows what I know!
They would be non shiney white albino, that get yellower as they get older.
Or so i'm led to believe...

Xanthic axolotls are pretty common world wide. Axanthic albinos are too. (axanthic means no yellow pigment)

There are pictures throughout the galley here of them.
This is a old post but im just wondering what do you thibk? I have another albino that is yellow not golden but has a lot of yellow pigment. Nike on the other hand has no yellow pigment.
It would be good to mention that nike is not normal and has. Bent tail but is just like the rest of the batch. He is my munchkin <3 but my boyfriend started to notice a couple weeks ago that one was turning yellow and one was pink/white and it made me curious


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