Does anyone have a feeding dish for their axys?


New member
Jan 8, 2012
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United States
I find my self looking for them around the tank & throwing food around them to gulp it up & when i do water changes i find food scraps everywhere befind their hides & filters , so does anyone have a feeding dish to keep all of their food in one area & if you do , do your axys go to it to feed?
Yes, and yes. Some will start waiting there when hungry too.
feeding dishes work great your food will stay in one place and will make things alot more easy you axolotl will chill around the dish when hungry instead of searching around the tank
Hiya :) I personally hand feed now my axies are chomping whole worms but I did use a feeding jar for a while which seems very popular on here. Ive tried to copy and paste a link to a specific article with photos etc.. which may interest you but incase it doesnt work just go into search and look for " I wanna to see your feeding jars"
If I'm feeding them earthworms I use chopsticks to make sure they get eaten and don't escape, If I'm feeding them bloodworms I put the frozen block under a stone (to stop it floating upwards) in a little dish so when it defrosts they are in the dish.
One axie attacks the chopsticks, the other runs away, both have got the hang of the bowl
I use a feeding dish for my axolotls and chinese firebelly newts if they are kept on a substrate, if the tanks are bare bottomed i dont bother as it is easy to clean up. This reduces accidental ingestion of sand and stops the food being scattered about the tank. It also prevents live whiteworm from digging into the substrate. If you want to contain frozen bloodworm to a particular part of your tank dont just drop a cube in , it defrosts and adds dirty water to the tank as well as putting worm all over the place. Defrost a cube in tank water , pour away the excess fluid, suck the worm up with a turkey baster and squeeze it onto the food dish.
I got a feeding dish, works awesome, its styrofoam shaped into a stone look alike shape with a dish in it, covered in died quickwall cement. my axie eats from it every day.
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