Does a morph know better?


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Sep 6, 2008
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United States
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I have 3 M. a. alpestris morphs. 1 is much more robust than the others. 2, (including the largest) have smooth skin as oppossed to granular. The question pretains to my largest: He has been seen in and out of the water section, and I was worried he will drown himself by accident. The water depth is approx.1/8 where he is going back and forth. Probably less than that. I am using the tilted tank method. Please let me know as I am willing to "dive" in and save it if needed!

The newt in question is approx.: --------------------------

Thanks in advance!

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The newt in question is approx.: --------------------------

If your computer screen is the same size as the one I'm using then that newt can be kept fully aquatic...if you so choose. Some people say alpestris should be kept terrestrial outside of the breeding season because it's "natural", but I've tried both methods, and they both work. I don't think you need to worry about it, unless it looks as if it's struggling to swim. Drowning is still a possibility, but not likely.

Thanks so much for helping me again! He/she is indeed that size, and very healthy. It was the only one of 3 that went toward the lower end at all, and seemed to be in and out of the water, and confused. I would simply add a wad of moss in the deep end if I should to avoid an accident. I have been staring in the container waiting to see where it comes out, but haven't seen him in a few minutes. He swan up onto a rock when I threw on the light, if that means anything...

2 of them are now in the under side of the rock pile. I have a few small river rocks with a large flat stone on top with moss covering it with some bark sleeves. The tank is tilted with the moss side highest. 1 stays on the moss section the other 2 go in and out of wet regions underneath. They have food available in either place they choose so I am going to let it run it's course, and see what plays out. I will update as things stablize, and welcome any outside suggestions as well!

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