Do You Like Snails In Your Tank???

Do you like snails in you tank/s???

  • I love snails in my tank, always have them in my tank.

    Votes: 30 27.0%
  • Strong prefferance for snails in my tank.

    Votes: 15 13.5%
  • I like snails in my tank.

    Votes: 23 20.7%
  • They are ok.

    Votes: 24 21.6%
  • I dislike snails in my tank.

    Votes: 10 9.0%
  • Strong prefferance against snails in my tank.

    Votes: 3 2.7%
  • I hate snails in my tank, never have them in my tank.

    Votes: 6 5.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-known member
Apr 5, 2012
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Seattle area Washington
United States
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I added some snails to my tank and I was wondering what people think about having snails, are they a nuisance? etc. Please VOTE and leave a REPLY if you want too. Also say why you like or dislike them please. :grin:

-Seth :rofl:
I used to have a giant Colombian ramshorn in my tank but it kept uprooting plants so I removed it. That being said however I don't mind having them in the tank because they really clean up excess food and other wastes. I can't seem to get a colony of any small snails to establish because my newts eat them, but I have large colony of limpets(super tiny snail like animals) that is quite well established in my tank. I believe that they are a great help in maintaining a healthy tank environment.
My snails do a great job of cleaning up dead leaves etc. Then once they reach a certain size the newts just eat them so they're handy, free live food as well!
I have loads....maybe too many. I fear they may be plotting against me.
I always try adding them but after seeing a number of apple snails get destroyed by laos newts ive stopped trying
I actually want to start a snail/shrimp tank! Then use it as my supply for my other tanks :)
I keep snails in all my tanks as a food source . I even go to the extent of reintroducing them to tanks if my axolotls wipe them out.
Exactly what Aeon said
I had two mystery snails in my fish tank that has two eastern newts. It also has like 6 assassin snails that reproduced about a month or so ago. Ever since I got the assassins, the pondscum snails are gone! The theory is that they come with the fish flakes...and we certainly had a lot of them.
Re: Do You Like Snails In Your Tank??? - scary story

I always had snails and ignored them, with no bad effects. Then last week I purchased a huge snail at the petshop. Next day, 7 out of 11 iberian ribbed newts in the tank were dead. The surviving four I removed and are still alive, but not eating well. I have over fifty iberian ribbed newts is five other tanks. None showed any signs of problems. I was wondering if anyone else had similar experiences? The snail was dead two days later.
I don't mind having snails in my tank, however the only problem I have had with them is they are now in my canister filter just going to town. Went to clean it out a couple weeks ago and they have eggs everywhere.
I actually want to start a snail/shrimp tank! Then use it as my supply for my other tanks :)

I'm in Florida so our weather might be pretty close. I literally leave cherry/pumpkin shrimp outside with some shade so the water doesn't go over 90 degrees. Crazy number of snails, shrimp, hydras, and copepods grow. I used to have daphnia as well, but I am assuming the hydras ate them all. No feeding required because it is a dirted tank and algae grows like wildfire. Just need to top the water off once a month.
So I have a Question.

I put some snails in my tank, one pond snail and a lot of unidentified ones. They are small but growing bigger, none are bigger that 2 cm. Anyway, I don't know what they eat, apparently they eat waste? But I was looking at one of my plants and half the stalk was eaten! I am pretty mad because it was my healthiest and fastest growing stalk. Could a snail have eaten it? Do they eat plants as well? I just thought they helped keep a tank clean and provide extra food, but I didn't think they would eat my plants! Is it a snail that ate part of my stalk do you think?
I thought about buying a snail for my tank today. I decided that I'd wait till later to buy one. I'm glad I decided that. I was looking at my tank thinking, "Gee, I wonder what that brown speck on the glass is?" Turns out to be a tiny snail that came in with a plant or something. I am happy about that haha
I love snails! I wish i had a bigger variety of them, but all i have is tons of ramshorns and some bladdersnails. The malaysian trumpets die out when the temperatures drop in winter, same for Neritina and Clithon. I need to collect some local snails. I'd love applesnails but they eat plants and that doesn't suit me.

The theory is that they come with the fish flakes...and we certainly had a lot of them.
What? Live snails in fish flakes?
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