
Neil C

Nov 7, 2008
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
Well I don't really know where to begin. Last weekend I decided I would do a clean out of my three foot tank so a few days before hand I set up a two foot tank with nothing more than a corner filter and some aged tap water. The axies from the large tank where place in the smaller tank while I cleaned out the big tank. The idea was to leave them in the small tank for a couple of days and then return them to the big tank.

The next day I was horrified to see the three axies were all looking very sick with gills bent forward and white fungus on the gills. I was at a loss to what went wrong but moved them all into sperated clean containers and kept them in the cool and dark. The next day two had died including my much loved purplish copper and one of her albino babies! Since then and doing a few other water changes many of my other axies are looking quite unwell and appear restly and irritated.

I've never used water conditioner since I started keeping axies about twenty years ago and always use tap water that has been left to stand for a least a full day. I maintain a very strict cleaning regime between tank so as not spread any germs around. The only thing I can think off is that the water company has suddenly added something to the water supply. I've got a sample with me today and I'm off to the aquarium shop after work to get it tested. I'm also sending off an email to the water company to see if they have anything to say?

The only other water I have is rain water from a 5000 litre tank which I'm trialing two axies in at the moment to see if there is any improvement. I hear that rain water might be too soft but I don't have many options. I'm really gutted as I've always tried to do the best for my six gilled pals and it's horrible to see them suffer. I've thought about getting some water from the Supermarket but it's not going to work out in the long term if the water supply is at fault. I also have a load of babies that have just hatched so all those water changes fill me with dread.

Any suggestion would be greatfully recieved.

Regards Neil
Did you cycle the new tank? What were the parameters? Using a dechlorinator that removes chloramines would solve any fears of chloramines, and would be much better than rain water
Hi there, I use rainwater every second water change (fornightly) for my adults in their 4 ft and have never had any troubles with it. You should be safe. :)
I'm sorry Neil, that’s horrible :( you are a good owner and have done all the right things, disasters like this happen once in a while that are out of our control.

All you can do now is try to make them as comfortable as possible and you are doing the right thing, i'm sure rain water would be better than contaminated tap water, if that is the cause. Your water provider may have switched from chlorine to a chlorine/chloramine mix, and the only way to remove chloramine is with a water conditioner because it will not evaporate out like chlorine will. Good idea checking it out. IF it is chloramine, it would have caused them stress and irritated their slime coat leaving them susceptible to fungus and infections. Have you considered fridging or salt bathing? Its not necessary in mild fungal infections, but if your axies are becoming over run by it it might be a good idea. The fridge will slow down the fungus and the salt will kill it.

carson has a good point, test the water parameters of the sick water they are in and the water from your tap and compare. You can then narrow it down.

good luck post updates
just make sure your ph doesn't get too acidic. I've always been warned to not use rainwater. If the tap water is fine other than chloramine's and chlorine then there's really no reason to use rainwater. There's nothing wrong with using a dechlorinator.
Thanks for your replies and suggestions. I've always been a bit suspicious of water conditioners as I think that our axololts have to swim around in enough chemicals as it is without adding more. Must admit I've never researched into what they actually are and just thought they were the lazy way of aging water. People too busy to leave water standing for a few days, heh why not stick these chemicals in the water, at least they are little bit better than chlorine! I may be wrong and will do some research.

Really hope they haven't started sticking chloramines but we will have to see what happens.

Regards Neil
its not the natural way but it is not going to cause them harm and in this case might help them along. You could have two buckets of each and carfully monitor maybe? If you discover your water supplier is using chloramine it might be the only option as rain water can be difficult. There are heavy metals available you can ad to the rain water in small amounts, you should look into it!
Well it turns out that the water company had suddenly decided to sick in a load more chlorine than usual and this was the problem. When I was having the water checked at the aquarium shop they said that a lot of people had been coming in during the last week and some had lost all their fish.

I've now got some dechlorinated and everything appears back to normal. All are now eating happily again and looking nice and relaxed in their tanks. Hope nothing like that happens again.....not good.

Regards Neil
wow, that sucks. You think they should at least warn people before throwing more chemicals in the water
yes it is shocking. I'm sorry someone elses actions have effected you in this way, and that they did not allert people. I think it might have been a national thing, in the last month there has been a much stronger chlorine taste/smell in out tap water. I think i'm going to invest in a people water filter. Did they say it was just in your area?

how are your others going?
Thanks for yout pm Rachel and sorry I didn't get back to you. Yes, they all seem ok now although two still seem to have a bit of fungus but it's fast on the way out. I guess the water companies think it's not worth alerting people just for the small numbers of fish/axolotl keepers. I've no idea if it's nation wide and probably quite difficult to get a straight answer as well. I guess the moral of the story is if in doubt.....dechlorinate.

Regards Neil
no worries, i'm glad they are getting better! I still think its obsurd considdering PEOPLE survive off their water too and not just fish keepers. After all it is a toxic substance and no matter how small a dose i think we desere the right to know weather the level has inceased in our drinking supply.
This is very sad to read, poor axies. But the good news is that you know where the trouble came from and that it's not something you did wrong or parasites or other nasties. I'm sorry for your loss and who knows how many other animals have died out there :(
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