Illness/Sickness: difference bettween eggs and bloat. and another question


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Aug 5, 2008
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I am attempting to breed my c, orientalis and both my females seemed to have got a lot bigger but they've been like this for just over a month and they are HUGE i wondering how do u tell the difference between bloat and being gravid (is that the correct term?)?

also i do a health check once a month on all my animals, last month one of my blue spotted salamanders miss his check because they have (or had i took it out today) this log which they can squeeze through a gap and into the actual log and i couldn't get him out. Anyway, it seems at some point he's either injured himself or my other blue spotted took a snap at him at he's lost the very end of his tail. it seems to have healed over just fine. i just wanted advice, should i keep them together or split them up and I'm not sure if he injured himself while climbing around in his favorite hiding place or the other bit him. I've never seen any agression between the 2
It is probably not bloat. But I would say be safe and treat it as if it is bloat. It should go away either way if you treat your fire bellies for bloat.

As for your Blue-Spotted, I would say the other one bit him. If they can fit their head and body through that said "gap" then their end of their tails should fit fine. They might be getting aggresive. It couldve just been a coincidence. Or maybe they are both males and are finally maturing. If youve never seen aggresion between them before, I would increase the size of their tank, give them a little more food, give them both their own hiding places, and lower temperatures by 3 or 4 degrees to reduce stress.
I am attempting to breed my c, orientalis and both my females seemed to have got a lot bigger but they've been like this for just over a month and they are HUGE i wondering how do u tell the difference between bloat and being gravid (is that the correct term?)?
Could you possibly post a picture?
Pictures of the bigger newt, there's another female but shes not as swollen

Looks gravid to me.
If she was bloated, the swollen look would affect the upper portion of the body and the throat. You animal is only swollen in the lower part of the body, which gives it a pear-like shape, very typical of gravid females.

Be patient, they´ll probably lay soon. Just make sure they have suitable places to do so.
I've got to tell you that she looks just like my female. To be honest, she was always bigger than the male, but we were assured they'd never reproduce in captivity by the pet store - what a laugh - and never really thought of their gender! Anyway, we paid no attention to the size difference until she started laying eggs a few weeks ago. We have several baby newts right now and about 10 more eggs. I didn't know what to look for, but once I found this site, I easily recognized the eggs and her egg-laying behavior (climbing onto leaves.) I expected the eggs to be like the frog eggs I see in my pool!

Anyway, the female we have was really looking pretty fat for quite some time before the egg-laying began, so be patient. I read here that lowering the temp helps initiate breeding, but for us, if anything, the newts were moved to a room that's slightly warmer around Christmas. We're in S. FL, so the A/C is always on, but my son's new room gets more afternoon heat and I feel the room is slightly warmer than before.

Anyway, I see larvae in your future! I'm glad you posted this - I was just cleaning out the adult tank and started to wonder if she had bloat. I'm glad the other responder was able to identify yours as being gravid as mine looks exactly the same. I know the more information I get will go a long way for making me paranoid...BTW, I also found three more babies in the adult tank.

Good luck,
If a female is gravid, how long until she lays her eggs? I bought a second CFBN on Saturday and I think she may be gravid. What's the longest I would have to wait before knowing one way or another if she is carrying eggs?
well i guess my question was answered i found eggs in the tank yesterday, there now out of the tank and in a plastic tub, well the 2 that weren't eaten (i spent the last 48 hours out of the house i came home to find the adults rooting through the plants and a couple of tiny newt larva dead on the bottom:()
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