Dendrobates leucomelas vivarium



here are some pictures of my new dendrobates leucomelas vivarium that i've been setting up over the last few days




very nice, have you ever tried Xaxim?

How do you spray it?

ah right, thanks, no i've never used xaxim before, this is my first dart frog vivarium, the panels are made of coco fibre.
thanks, here is a guide to the plants:


1. spider plant
2. syngonium
3. plam thing...neathne maybe?
4. calathea
5. zygopetalum (orchid)
6. viresea
7. maidenhair fern
8. ficus
9. guzmania
thanks, i've done a few changes in it, i've taken out the orchid and the smaller bromeliads and i've added a few tillandsia
Beautiful tank! How many frogs do you keep in there? I am just inheriting a Dendrobates azureus frog and I'm trying to do some research. How do you know which plants are okay and which arent? Do you use forest bedding/ coconut fiber substrate? If you have any informative website recommendations for me to check out that'd be great. Looks great! Thanks
all of the plants in my vivarium, although my maidenhair fern is dying for some reason +
aluminium plant
basically any house plant at your local garden centre is good, but if you still have doubts come back and ask

i've used coconut fibre substrate, with a layer of sphangum moss, but others use other substrates.
Looks good!
I have a suggestion... if i may...:
Add a dripper on the back of the tank.
This will allow moss to consume the back.
thanks for the suggestion, right now i don't have the funds for it, but i have thought about it.
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    AxieCrazy: My axolotl’s gills have turned completely white. she is about 7 months old. I fed her a couple... +1