Decapsulated Brine Shrimp Eggs??


Apr 11, 2009
Reaction score
Ashburton, Melbourne
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Hi guys,
Im feeling a bit desperate at the moment. Have 75 babies to feed and am running out of BBS. Supplier no longer supplying and have resorted to I noticed this:

Decapsulated Brine Shrimp Eggs

Want to feed your fry, small fish and coral some nutritious baby brine shrimp but without the hassle of hatching them? These decapsulated brine shrimp eggs can be fed directly to fry without having to setup a brine shrimp hatchery.
Decapsulated brine shrimp eggs have a higher energy value than live brine shrimp since the energy consumed in the hatching process is conserved. Lipids and amino acids are left intact. The unwanted egg shell has been removed leaving the nutritious egg intact. Just soak the eggs in some water to rehydrate, then feed directly into the tank.

What do you reckon?
I know you are supposed to feed your babies with live food but this sounds like an easy option (or am I only dreaming for the day that I don't have to listen to that bubbling hatchery 24/7??) :rolleyes:

If the larvae will eat them, these would be nutritionally good. However, larvae tend to respond to the actual movement of the BBS, so these might fail to elicit a feeding response, or the larvae will eat less and grow more slowly. You could try making them move by moving them around with an eyedropper, but I'd consider decap BS to be a last resort.
I have had mixed results with caudates and decaps. I have found that Ambystomids take them with ease, everything else ignores them in my experience.

Expect some significant losses during the transition. I find some axolotl larvae never catch on to decaps and quickly starve out.
Thanks guys. Thought it would be too good to be true.
I obtained some more bbs eggs from the US. You would reckon I could get some here but I tried really hard to no avail.

Just to mention to everyone again - (I have in give away/for sale section of this forum) - I have many babies to give away to good home. Live in S.E subs of Melbourne. Please PM me if interested. :happy:

Cheers, MA
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