I have a coulpe of diffrent spiecis of salamanders and i have been thinkin about the best substrate for them
To my Ambystoma spp i have pretty much dirt as substrate and its seems to work fine. They borrow and like to lie around in pipes i heve dug down for them.
But to my Salamandra sspp i been thinkin of using damp kitchen towel. This for a couple of reasons. For one i have an individ that doesent look all too well at the moment and o want to have really good observation on him.
I also read that some people have them on damp kitchen towel all the time. Is this a good idea? and can i use that method on other spiecis than salamandra spp.
Off course i'll have barks and things like that to give them something to hide under. But i was just wonering about the possibility to keep them permenently on damp kitchen towel.
Pros and cons? And whats spiecis can it work (best) for.
Best regards
I have a coulpe of diffrent spiecis of salamanders and i have been thinkin about the best substrate for them
To my Ambystoma spp i have pretty much dirt as substrate and its seems to work fine. They borrow and like to lie around in pipes i heve dug down for them.
But to my Salamandra sspp i been thinkin of using damp kitchen towel. This for a couple of reasons. For one i have an individ that doesent look all too well at the moment and o want to have really good observation on him.
I also read that some people have them on damp kitchen towel all the time. Is this a good idea? and can i use that method on other spiecis than salamandra spp.
Off course i'll have barks and things like that to give them something to hide under. But i was just wonering about the possibility to keep them permenently on damp kitchen towel.
Pros and cons? And whats spiecis can it work (best) for.
Best regards