Thank you for updating, and thank you for being honest about the test kit. Get a test kit for the other water parameters today. It's essential for you to know what the water parameters are.
I did a quick forum search for you and found this thread:
If an axie starts bleeding though it hasn't been bitten, it has to see a vet soon. Hopefully, you'll find a vet in your area here:
In the meantime, you could give your axie a tea bath. You can find the instructions here:
Caudata Culture Articles - Illness Part 2
A tea bath is a mild treatment and doesn't replace visiting the vet!
Please, take a moment and answer these questions:
What's the temperature in your tanks (both main tank and quarantine tank)?
-> Temperature should be between 62°F and 68°F (17°C to 20°C)
Do you handle your axies bare handed?
-> Handling with your bare hands can cause skin irritations and even sickness.
Whats exactly in your main tank? Are there other animals, like feeder fish, plecos, frogs, what decorations do you have?
-> Plecos can hurt your axie by sucking on it's skin. Decorations can have sharp edges on the inside.
How big are your axies?
-> Bloodworms are for babies, earthworms are a better diet for juvies and adults.