cynops orientalis for breed


Aug 9, 2008
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ovos moles
Hi I recieved from a friend a adult sexed pair of cynops orientalis, and I hanted to breed them. But I don´t know were to start from... would it be a good tecnic if I put them in 3º 4º degrees celcius in the fridge for 2months and then take them out to a 50/50 aquatic/land setup? It´s just this? Or it anything left? It´s a good tecnic? thanks all,

How long have the animals been in captivity? Are they fat and totally healthy?

What temperature(s) do you have available in your house during the winter? How cold could you keep the tank (without needing to use ice blocks)?

Using the refrigerator has some risks, and may be unnecessary.
I have bred couple generations of C.O. without a cold winter period nor a land area. My newts have been always fully aquatic and remind mostly 68-74F all year. I think ensuring the newts healthy should eventually lead to breeding activities. Anyhow, I know that other species will be much more difficult.
They are with me one day, with Ivan maybe 3years I hear him said... in the summer my temp inside the house is at least 27ºC and in the winter around 17ºC (I think I could keep this temprature as the most lower). They look helthy, the fat is good, not to much or too less. the female is a bit darker than the male and fatter too. The female is complete black with an intense red coloration and the male has a black color pulled to gray..

Female should be bigger than male, about one inch longer. My newts started breed by 2 to 3 years old. So, I think yours should be able to reproduce if the time is right.
I would not recommend refrigeration. Keep the tank in a cool place in the house, and it's possible (maybe even likely) they will breed this winter/spring. Keep them well fed, especially with earthworms. Did they ever breed for Ivan?

It is possible to keep the tank water cooler than the air in the room. See:
Hi thanks all! That are some good ideas on that article, i think I´m gonna use the blotle with iced water in december. They are around 8cm the female and 7cm the male. Ivan never breed them because he didn´t care, he just cares reproducion on salamandra species.
the base of feeding on all my newts it´s earthworms, and cynops, wouldn´t be exception!

p.s. the male has already a big big cloaca and female is very fat
As long as they are healthy they will eventually breed. You don´t even have to cool them, not do anything special. Just keep them healthy.
If they didn´t breed at your mate´s house maybe they are not that healthy. Not breeding in three years is, in my opinion, a sign that something is wrong. So focuss on getting them to be as healthy as possible, and the breeding will come on time.
they didn´t have breed at my mates house, because he feed them with gammarus (turtles food) and sticks for lizards*.
this is a very easy newt to breed, as far as I understood from Jennewt and achiinto, and some articles.
then I´ll have to wait.
I wish you good luck! Play some romantic music...
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