My cynops oriental female laid eggs and i was concerned that the ghost shrimp or the newts might eat them, would they be safe in the tank they are in with them. its a 10 gallon planted tank. 2 FB newts and 5 ghost shrimp house the tank
I guess in general its never save to leave eggs / larvae with bigger specimen in the same enclosure (cannibalism). If you want to raise some newts you should get them out into a second enclosure. Still, I never bred newts so better wait for other advise or browse for information.
I think the shrimps don't present any danger to the eggs but the adult newts might.
The female is likely to lay for weeks. Have a look at this article
I took all of my eggs and larval salmanders out of the adult tank and into a ten gallong aquarium. I put ghost shrimp i after all the eggs were hatched and had no problems. The adults will eat the yound if left i the same cage though
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