Cynops ID



Hi all!

I was hoping some people like Tim who have a lot of experience in ID'ing cynops could help me out.

I recently got what I thought were two juvenile Cynops orientalis but now a few weeks on and settling in I have noticed a few differences. Compared to my other C.o's smooth skin, their skin is more granular and rough. They have the same belly markings as my C.o's but whereas my orientalis have black backs, these are more orange coloured, and they have orange running along the spine area too. They are colouring up more everyday.

Their heads are also more defined, being almost etched and square cut compared to the rounded simple heads of my C.o's!

I know without pictures it is almost impossible to identify so I will try to take some in good light tomorrow. To me, they look like a mix of Cynops pyrrhogaster(I am quite certain this is what they are) and juvenile P. fuzhongensis.. They have the head shape of a juvenile P. fuzhongensis.

With this description (pics to follow closely), does anyone have any ideas?
You probably already know this but the belly pattern of pyrrhogaster is quite different from
c.o. Have these ones the roundish black dots of orientalis? Pyrrhogaster have more of irregular blotches of black that are often connected.
Sounds quite interesting. Looking forward to see the pics. Make sure you also get a lateral view (portrait) of the head.

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