Well, after several requests, here's a look at what is in the tank behind my head. These are representatives of two different batches of Cynops ensicauda popei that I'm raising at the moment. I apologise for the tank dust in the first photo (forgot to wipe the outside for the first photo, remembered for the second).
Thanks to a certain someone the first is locality known as being Cep. I have 12 of these 3-4 week metamorphs at the moment (had 14 - one died early on in development as a larva, another died recently due to accidental drowning, which I probably could have prevented but I've seen to it that it can't happen again). This little fella is 5 cm long, perhaps 5.5 cm. He/she is currently the best coloured, though they all seem to be developing colour still.
The second individual shows traits of both subspecies. I have 6 of these and the largest is ~ 7.5 cm. It's the most intermediate-looking of the 6 as far as the subspecies go. I would welcome any input on my hybrid theory. Thanks.
(Message edited by john on June 01, 2004)
Thanks to a certain someone the first is locality known as being Cep. I have 12 of these 3-4 week metamorphs at the moment (had 14 - one died early on in development as a larva, another died recently due to accidental drowning, which I probably could have prevented but I've seen to it that it can't happen again). This little fella is 5 cm long, perhaps 5.5 cm. He/she is currently the best coloured, though they all seem to be developing colour still.
The second individual shows traits of both subspecies. I have 6 of these and the largest is ~ 7.5 cm. It's the most intermediate-looking of the 6 as far as the subspecies go. I would welcome any input on my hybrid theory. Thanks.
(Message edited by john on June 01, 2004)