Thanks Terry. I got my EOS 20D back from the Canon repair shop today so I can't wait to try it out, with its higher resolution than with the Canon Rebel used to take the above shots.
As for that larva, that's the biggest one I have it seems. Well it
looks big in the photo but it's still quite small as can be judged by the size of the grains of substrate.
I really wonder if they are getting enough to eat, and am considering a method I read about in some information from the Axoltl Colony, namely regularly removing larvae for feedings, using a turkey baster, and then returning them afterward, They'd be fed in a separate container where the brine shrimp hatchlings would be more concentrated. I'm thinking it's either that or move them all to smaller tubs to raise. Given the size of the tank they're in now, I really have to put a lot of BS hatchlings in there for all of them to get something, especially since they don't move about during feedings (the BS has to appear in front of the stationary larva before it will be eaten...).
I looked around for daphnia, including in the ponds near by house, but found none. Seems I have little alternative but to proceed with BS as I'm not ready to risk returning them to the adult tank to feed on whatever's available there. So far so good though, they're growing