Question: Cycling with New tank and New Axies?


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Aug 25, 2010
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Ok so, i wanna ask, Big Al's got a shipment of baby golden albino axies in today, I just started cycling my tank for them.... I've been waiting sooooo long to get them! (Bout a year or so) But they kept getting they're shipments delayed, so the question I wanna as is... Can I get an axie or two right now? I don't want them to run out before the tank is 'cycled', so is it ok to get one right now? Also, I dechlorinated the water, and I put some of the water from my little baby snapper turtle's tank into the soon to be axie tank to help with cycling it. Someone answer my question? :confused:
To be honest, I don't cycle my tank before I put anything in it. Given that I have to drive it all somewhere at least 5 times a year, cycling doesn't work out for me. You can either keep the axies in a tub (which should be sufficient, since they're babies), or you can put them in the tank and do daily water changes. I have 3 juvies sitting in tubs right now, and 3 adults in an uncycled but frequently changed tank. I do the same with my fish and frogs. Never had a problem.
Alrighty then! :D I don't think having an uncycled tank could hurt them... I'll put them in there and let it cycle!
make sure you do waterchanges to keep ammonia below .5 ppm's and nitrite below 3 ppm's. I personally cycle all my tanks prior to getting anything aquatic to reduce the amount of waterchanges I have to do to keep the water livable. But it's whatever floats your boat
I think my juvenile is a golden albino, and I just brought him home from the pet shop and put him straight into a tank 40 cm tank with nothing but tap water that had been dechlorinated. That was a over two months ago now , he is in a 3 foot tank with a filter.

I was doing a water change to at least 20 percent most days when he was in the small tank now he is much bigger and I dont yet have anyplants in his tank, though after reading these forums i think i will get some hornwort.

If i have read correctly that will help with amonia reduction. The filter i am using in his tank at the moment is a small sponge filter designed for the 40 cm tank. I do have to vacume the bottom of the 3 ft tank quite frequently at the moment because i am probably feeding my axie more than enough at the moment. as his growth rate has started to slow down a bit, ( I still hope he makes it to about 30 cm long)
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