Cycling tank.. nitrite level..



hey. ive adopted matthew (gaara) axies!! and im cycling the tank. 5th day now and my nitrite is a bit high.. any suggestions? or is this how the cycling starts out?

my readings.
ph. 7.2
nitrite. 2.0
nitrate. 10
ammonia. 0.25

ammonia goes up, this is formed by the breakdown of organic matter. Bacteria that turn ammonia into nitrite will use this and multiply. Now nitrite goes up and other bacteria that use nitrite and turn it into nitrate can grow. When both bacteria are abundant both ammonia and nitrite will be at very low levels (0.0). So it's logical that nitrite goes up in the beginning.
Hi all, our tank is cycling at the moment, when it has cycled can i clean the filter? it has been cycling for 8 weeks, so don't want to do anything stupid at this point!. Thankyou.
Once it has finished cycling just clean the filter in tankwater not on a waterchange day - ours generally get done once a month.
Can someone please explain to me what Cycling is exactly?
Thanks Kapo, these were friday's readings...ph7.2 ammonia 1 nitrite 0.50 nitrate 5.0 These are monday's readings ph 7.2 ammonia 1 nitrite 2.0 nitrate 10 . So i think this is what is supposed to happen! .Kapo do the readings then drop to 0 except the nitrate , which shoulrd remain at 20....40. Is this correct? Thank you!!!
June, yes that's looking good and that's right!

Victoria, here's the link on cycling if you have any questions post a new thread and someone will help!

Cycling or "the nitrogen cycle" establishes good bacteria to aid in the cleaning of your tank.

(Message edited by kapo on April 09, 2007)
Tuesday readings....ph7.2,ammonia 0.50(came down a bit) nitrite 2, nitrate 10. I hope we are almost there! it's been a very long 8.3 weeks. But who's counting!!!
Don't you just love it when your tank *finally* cycles, June?! I know I did!!!

My tank took AGES to cycle and I had my axies before that... I just kept them in a separate container and did daily water changes.

I am moving soon and getting a bigger tank for them so I'll be cycling all over again... I may try the shrimp method this time...
Patience they tell me is what is needed!. My poor babies are in the tank as i didn,t know about cycling when we got them, but due to some wonderful people on this site they are doing well. I have been doing daily water changes for 8.3 weeks, so will be glad when the tank has cycled, i will never make the same mistake again
June I have also cycled tanks with axies in them, I knew about cycling but didn't have any extra tubs or buckets so did daily tests/changes. It is so good though when it finally cycles! :D This one took just under 8 weeks to cycle, my longest without axies 8 weeks exactly, my shortest 3 weeks. At least you know it can be done!
Hi Kapo, the levels are this same this am, except for the ammonia it is 0.25 down again. I think the last few days are the hardest!!!.Charlie & Snowhite seem happy they are so cheeky!they watch everything we do when we get near their tank.
8 weeks! Thats very long! How big is the tank,it must be a 55 gal or something to take so long. DOnt you use any cycle stuff? NO wonder it takes so long if you dont! It doesnt harm the animals,dunno why everyone says not to use it! WHere do you think the bacteria comes from,already living in the dry filter and sponges?!?!
When you add the fish/animal then the cycling process fully starts,if not nearly finishes as this will get the true ammonia going and feeding the bacteria! LEt the tank stand for 2-3 days,adding the cycle stuff and,if you have,mature filter media from a disease tank which will kick in the cycle process,finishing it quicker.
If you do use some media from another tank,like i have,you need to add some flake food or something every day until you get the axie so that the bacteria dont die off!
8 weeks! Thats a very long time,never heard a tank ntake so long, only heard a 100 gal taking that long as they didnt use the cycle stuff! I work in a LFS and i havent heard anything like that. I hear 5 days on average!
our tank is 110 litres, have come this far so i am not going to change anything now, thanks for the advice. If you read some threads other people have waited 8 weeks for their tank to cycle.
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>Quoting Connor S on Wednesday 11 April 2007 - 15:41 (#POST128005):</font>

any cycle stuff? NO wonder it takes so long if you dont! It doesnt harm the animals,dunno why everyone says not to use it<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

The reason it's not used is because it doesn't work! There is something call Biospira which is as far as I know only available in the States that works as it has to be kept in the fridge, but cycle doesn't work, spoke to many fish enthusiasts who will not even buy the stuff - say to cycle a tank do it properly and adding chemicals to boost things doesn't work; go with the old way adding filter media/decos from an established healthy tank.

June has had her axies for a while, had problems initially because of not being told about cycling/temperature control, she lost her first axie due to this.

Also, I don't think it has anything to do with size of tank regarding cycling. Our tank that cycled within 3 weeks was 4 foot. Our 3 footers were between 5-8 week. The tank that cycled longest was 2 foot.

Just because you work at the LFS doesn't mean to say they know everything. The majority of petshops I've come across will not even advise properly on cycling (and try to sell you cycle) and to add all these chemicals to fix things, when they are not needed. A lot of cycling is to do with patience, and considering June has had to also contend with extreme summer heat/sick axies she's doing well.
Thanks Kapo for your support, that person made me feel like i was an idiot. I will just wait it out!
Tank readings..ph7.2, ammonia 0, nitrite 2, nitrate 10. Kapo i am a little worried, our little ones tale and back legs look a little inflamed, they are much more red than i remember, could the high nitrite reading be causing this?? If so shall i put her in another container? Charlie seems fine! he is a lot bigger than her ( twice her size) Thank you Kapo.
Yes might pay to move her to another container so she's less stressed.

At least your ammonia is down now, and just have to wait for your nitrite to drop. \

You're doing really well, I know how frustrating it can be especially nearing the end of the cycle.

It also really irritates me when I hear people in particular petshop people who swear that Cycle works then you ask if they've ever used it and they admit no they don't but have been told it does.
Thanks Kapo, i will move her to a small holding container. I just felt really bad when i read his comments, i am doing the best i can to care for my babies. I would never hurt any creature on purpose. (all our pets are better cared for than some children i know). Thank you for all your help and support it is really appreciated.
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