8 weeks! Thats very long! How big is the tank,it must be a 55 gal or something to take so long. DOnt you use any cycle stuff? NO wonder it takes so long if you dont! It doesnt harm the animals,dunno why everyone says not to use it! WHere do you think the bacteria comes from,already living in the dry filter and sponges?!?!
When you add the fish/animal then the cycling process fully starts,if not nearly finishes as this will get the true ammonia going and feeding the bacteria! LEt the tank stand for 2-3 days,adding the cycle stuff and,if you have,mature filter media from a disease tank which will kick in the cycle process,finishing it quicker.
If you do use some media from another tank,like i have,you need to add some flake food or something every day until you get the axie so that the bacteria dont die off!
8 weeks! Thats a very long time,never heard a tank ntake so long, only heard a 100 gal taking that long as they didnt use the cycle stuff! I work in a LFS and i havent heard anything like that. I hear 5 days on average!