Question: cycling and Ph


New member
Nov 13, 2008
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Hi everyone!!

I am currently setting up my tank with hope of getting 2 axies in the future. I want to do the right things way before the little guys arrive.

My tank is about 130 liters and it has been cycling for 3 months. I have a coupple of mollies and some live plants in it. About 2 months ago, there was the amonia peak, but I wasnt able to see the nitrite peak (wasnt home to do the test). I have been testing amonia, nitrite, nitrate and Ph every 2 weeks and have noticed than amonia and nitrite are 0. My concern is about nitrate, I have 2.5 ppm and I was wondering if my bioload isnt enough and all the good bacteria could die. Both ornaments and glass feels slimy. I have read that nitrate should be higher to determinate that the tank is fully cycled. I would appreciate a lot if anyone could give a hint about what is happening and what should I do.

The other thing is about Ph. Everytime I do the test, the Ph is 8.5, so today I made a Ph test from the tap water and the result was 8.5 too. Is there a way to get down the Ph? I was told I should not use bottled water because it has added salts to make it stay fresh for a longer period, and these salts could be harmfull for axies. what can I do?

I am still setting up the tank, Ill post some pictures when its done!

Thank you!!
Hi Celeste,

You are doing a great job.

Actually once you have axies in the tank, they will contribute to nitrogenous wastes. That alone will significantly provide more 'food' for the bacteria. With the added bioload, there is also the likelihood that pH will drop accordingly.

Axies can tolerate a range in pH. It would be worse if the water conditions are acidic. What type of pH test kit do you use? Do you use a colorimetric solution or a test strip dipstick? Perhaps you might like testing the pH with another kit or bring it to the aquarium shop to test it out. Just want to rule out faulty kits as a cause.

As your tank surfaces feel slimy and you can see the dynamic shifts of ammonia -> nitrite -> nitrates in your water chemistry, your beneficial bacteria population is fine.

Hi Ray and thanks for your reply!!!

I am using those drop - tube test kit... I guess that is the colorimetric one?? I thought that the test kit could be wrong, so then (i forgot to post it earlier) I made a test with bottled water and Ph was 7. It is really good to know the bacteria is fine. Would it be better to feed the mollys more frequently in order to get bigger bioload?

Thanks Ray, you always give very good mind-peace advice!!!
Hi Celeste,

Good to know everything is in order then. You would just need to feed the mollys enough to keep them alive, there is no necessity for increased feeding.

Just to make sure again, as your bottled water tested neutral at 7, the tank and tap water is truly tested 8.5 then?

Hi Ray!

yes, my tank´s and tap water are 8.5... by the way.. sorry for my bad english, and thanks again for your replies!!!
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