Cycling a newt tank


New member
Aug 11, 2009
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United Kingdom
I have a large 20 gallon aquarium which has 10 tiny cloud minnows with the water at a cool 18-19oc the fish will have been in the tank for a week before the newts arrive also i added a handful of gravel from a established aquairum to help build up the beneficial bacteria. So what im asking will the newts be ok being put into a tank just a week after it was set up or should i wait for the water to cycle? does the cycle affect newts as much as tropical fish?
The cycling process, even if aided by material from an already cycled tank might take a month. The only way to know is by checking with the apropriate tests.
Newts are very sensitive to amonia and nitrates, so yes, they are affected by it. However if the tank is big enough and it´s under-populated and you follow a rutine of cleaning and partial water changes, there should be no problem.
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