Customizing aquarium for gecko



Hi all;

I recently bought a 60 gal aquarium (the perfecto river tank) that I want to customize for my gecko. Of course the problem is that since I have to have the tank on it's side to be functional I need to remove one of the side panes to put in a screen.

Is removing the glass side just a matter of cutting out the silicone or is there something else I need to know?

Thanks so much!

-- Larraine @_@
geckos arent caudates. geckos arent even amphibians..... Gekko gecko is a reptile.

but i dont suggest dismantling the tank. kind of defeats the purpose of a tank at all. why not just buy a new tank, or turn the tank right side up (i dont understand why it has to be on its side to be functional.....?)
Sorry, I realize this is rather OT, but I really couldn't find any other place to look for info, and given that the general discussion area said you could talk about anything, I thought I'd take a shot.

Anyway, I'm not dismantling the tank, just removing the one side panel and then closing up the top and inserting a door. I need the tank vertical for height (basically just as you said)so I can make the side the top.
yea, you should just need to cut the silicon. keep in mind that there is not only the bead of silicon in the corners, but another layer actually between the glass. what species is going in it?

Standing's day gecko (P. standingi). He's in a 29 that's been customized already (he came with the tank), but's it's in a bit of a sorry shape and I wanted to do something nice for him (and the fact that it leaks like crazy whenever I mist the tank...).
Hi Larraine,
P. standingi do not really "need" an enclosure that large. Keeping him in a smaller aquarium would be a better choice as it is easier to set up the lighting to keep the animal close enough to the lights to allow for successful vitamin D3 synthesis. Any of the light that passes through the aquarium glass or is greater than 18 inches away in useless for vitamin D3 synthesis.
Also P. standingi are from the drier areas of madagascar and do not need to be misted as often as many of the other species of Phelsuma. (I usually mist mine once to twice a week).
Let me know if you have any other questions.
Also (so John doesn't have more work than he needs to do on the site) there is a non-caudate section for questions like this one.
Thanks for the info. I looked around but didn't notice the non-caudate section (of course, at 2 in the morning, I don't see much of anything...)

The reason I mist more often is that my house is already extremely dry. I usually mist every few days, as much for the plants as for him.

The lighting and heating are the very reason I want to remove that glass, so I can install a screen. But anyway, enough of my babbling.

Thanks so much to everyone. I swear I'll use the forums for my newts only from now on.
sorry was in a bad mood last night.... maybe if you sent a pictorial i'd understand what you were trying to do with the tank...
Don't worry about it, no harm done. ^_^

Back to struggling with the tank; I apparently bought the one tank sealed with titanium.
Regarding not being able to find somewhere to post this, there are plenty of places... Certainly many times more than there are places for Caudata. Maybe I should create a Reptilian part of the site?
John, a reptile forum would be cool. I know at least a few of the regulars here keep both reptiles and amphibians.

To be honest there are plenty more reptile sites than newt sites and its this sites uniqueness that draws people here.I have cats,tarantulas and now have leopard geckos living with us (my brothers) as well as caudates but I use different forums for those.Lets keep it simple and have intelligent conversations about the caudates we keep rather than let it slide into a "kingsnake" forum!!
I agree with cloth. It's what makes this site so unique. The people sharing their passion for caudates and the opportunity to get expert advice on these animals and their husbandry.

Diversity is nice but sometimes it dilutes the original intent. I'm with Cloth and Ralf on that one.

Thanks for the input guys. I'm eager for even more input though. Keep the opinions coming in please.
Ok, I understand this logic and agree that should stay caudate related. Can anyone point me to a nice gecko forum with intelligent posters? I currently keep Eublepharis macularius, Goniurosaurus luii and araneus and would appreciate discussing the Goni's with other experienced keepers.

Hi Aaron try they have lots of different forums including one specifically for geckos.Several posters there have their own websites and breed various species.Here's the link:
cloth is right

there are thousands of sites with a forum for everything - its almost got to the stage where u have a forum to discuss the forum.

I come here for caudates, i don't come here to download guitar tabs for example- same story with reptiles.

Walka good!
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