With regards to any eggs left in the parent tank..these will hatch and gradually be eaten. I know my male had consumed some of the eggs when they where initially laid, we had been away for a week and he was hungry, this however stopped when I started to feed him again.
The remainder of the eggs I left in two tanks out side , with the intention of giving them away. I did but forgot the ones in the second tank. By the time I remembered them they had hatched, but as the water temps where cooler they did not grow as fast as the ones I'd kept for my self inside. When it came to needing the tank I tipped the out door larvae into a yank I keep outside for the daphnia, blood worm etc. These in turn got fed to the bigger larvae indoors. I have to say I felt a little uneasy about doing this , but I felt just chucking them out would be far worse. Any unhatched eggs I tipped into the garden in an open sunny patch...1/2 an hour later they where gone.