in your first post mike, i understand where u are comming from, but alot of species (especially amphibians) are disappearing at an alarming rate without the help of capture. i remember as a kid, red legged frogs and cascade frogs were abundant in large numbers. taricha were found in ENORMOUS numbers in every pond, red backed salamanders were common in the woods down the street. even garter snakes are vanishing. the thinning numbers in my home town wernt from collecting either. its happening all over the world. ensatina are having their habitat turned into small towns and farming land. they are being restricted to small plots of land. one day, they may be all gone. i collected a small group for breeding. and like i said, i dont ever plan on touching that spot again....EVER! I do certainly plan on distributing the babies throughout the group and maybe even stop the urge top wild collect them.... the catch is, you gotta collect the original group from the wild to achieve this. there is a difference between mass market collecting and small breeding group collecting. i hope to do something good with this.