Today I decided to take my C. orientalis out of cooling because it was getting to cold for them, so I come home today to find my male swimming violently at the current coming out of the filter outlet, it seemed very odd until after watching him for a long time I saw him start tail fanning at the filter outlet while it pushed him away. The female was near the intake, obviously her scent travled through the filter and was causing the male to go beserk. So I decided to coax her near him using blood worms, it worked. He started following her but as soon as he touched her she got startled and swam away. I'm not sure what's going on now, but I think she's back near the intake (her favourite part of the tank) and he's tail fanning the outlet. What can I do to help him find her I'm worried the outlet's exhausting him and it's not even that strong, I'm worried it's making him too exhausted to pursue her when he actually encounters her.