I live in England and have never had any trouble cooling my Axie, Jo before whilst I've lived in several houses (not very energy efficient) in Bath whilst at Uni, but now I'm moving on to Norwich Research Park, with accommodation that does not allow tanks, she's having to go home to parents (25 mins from Norwich) where I can still take care of her. The problem is my parents place, is stupidly warm all the time, even with no heating at all. So I need to consider cooling options since she's always above the 20C mark - not initially a problem - but on a mildly warm day reaches 24C and over and it gets stupidly hot when we have weather like the UK has had in my region for the past couple of days, and the house gets the same way every year.
I've considered AC for the entire room but units are upwards of 200 pounds in DIY stores here. A while ago I bought a small peltier powered mini fridge to make a cooler, but it didn't cool water very well with plastic tubing, presumably some other tubing like aluminium might work better, providing it's not harmful to the animal, I think copper is a no no. I saw the ice probe advertised and wondered if the peltier does a similar thing and gets cold, if it would be enough just to dismantle the fridge and have that cooling plate of the peltier contacting the side of the tank since I've seen some on you-tube get pretty icy.
Does anyone have any advice for DIYing a solution? I'd rather use what I have, than go out and buy something new for several hundred pounds - although if I have to then I shall.
I live in England and have never had any trouble cooling my Axie, Jo before whilst I've lived in several houses (not very energy efficient) in Bath whilst at Uni, but now I'm moving on to Norwich Research Park, with accommodation that does not allow tanks, she's having to go home to parents (25 mins from Norwich) where I can still take care of her. The problem is my parents place, is stupidly warm all the time, even with no heating at all. So I need to consider cooling options since she's always above the 20C mark - not initially a problem - but on a mildly warm day reaches 24C and over and it gets stupidly hot when we have weather like the UK has had in my region for the past couple of days, and the house gets the same way every year.
I've considered AC for the entire room but units are upwards of 200 pounds in DIY stores here. A while ago I bought a small peltier powered mini fridge to make a cooler, but it didn't cool water very well with plastic tubing, presumably some other tubing like aluminium might work better, providing it's not harmful to the animal, I think copper is a no no. I saw the ice probe advertised and wondered if the peltier does a similar thing and gets cold, if it would be enough just to dismantle the fridge and have that cooling plate of the peltier contacting the side of the tank since I've seen some on you-tube get pretty icy.
Does anyone have any advice for DIYing a solution? I'd rather use what I have, than go out and buy something new for several hundred pounds - although if I have to then I shall.