All my axolotl will eat is fry. I only put 6 in at a time and a specific size. They don't nibble at her they actually hide from her. I do monitor the action as the tank is next to my bed. She'll eat bloodworms but spits out nightcrawlers, redworms & the 6 different kinds of pellets I've tried. She's very healthy and very active and playfulHas anyone ever used convicts as feeder? i know they get that hard fin/spine as adults, but i imagine the small fry could easy be gulped down by an axies does anybody have experience with this?
Oh and I'm getting ready to start a convict breeding tank for her! I know she'll love it! She enjoys hunting and will soar off her log trying to catch them lol so much fun for her!All my axolotl will eat is fry. I only put 6 in at a time and a specific size. They don't nibble at her they actually hide from her. I do monitor the action as the tank is next to my bed. She'll eat bloodworms but spits out nightcrawlers, redworms & the 6 different kinds of pellets I've tried. She's very healthy and very active and playfulunlike what I've read axies that just sit and hide.
unlike guppies, platys, mollys which stay small convicts can grow too big for an axolotl to eat and then becomes a problem (one of the reason goldfish aren't used)Oh and I'm getting ready to start a convict breeding tank for her! I know she'll love it! She enjoys hunting and will soar off her log trying to catch them lol so much fun for her!