Converting filter system



Hi everyone!
I'm trying to find some sand at the moment to convert from small gravel with big rocks on top. They are fine and my axies can't get to the gravel but its very hard on the filter and it is very hard to clean. the only problem is that I have an undergravel filter. so that won't do. can I use the powerheads some how though. sorry don't know much about this sort of thing. I have two viaaqua 480 powerheads. just wondering how I could use them other than how they are (cheapest option). I have a 120 lt tank...three foot. sorry bout the silly question.
Well, I guess it depends on what you want your final outcome to look like. Personally, I hate undergravel filters, messy and annoying. You can't really use powerheads in an axolotl tank because the current is stressful to them. So another option is using a siphon to suck out the scum between the rocks. Or you can switch to sand and just siphon off the top of the sand. Or you can just take everything out and use a bare-bottom tank (I use bare-bottom for all of my juveniles until they're 5inches long or so).
It's not a silly question, Mel, but I'm not sure exactly what you are asking. Clearly describe what you have now, and what you want to change.

You can use powerheads on an U/G filter and it will work better than with a bubbler (but also generate more heat).
sorry I'll be as clear as I can he he.

I have a three foot tank (120 lts)
two powerheads which conect to tubes feeding down to the undergravel filter.

I have small gravel on the undergravel filter and then ontop of the small gravel are river rocks.

I have had the powerheads blocked by a device that it came with because of the water flow but I think this prevents the filter from doing it's job (I think I got pretty dodgy pet shop advice). on the other hand it is very hard to clean for I have to remove all of the larger rocks to get to the waste and clean the gravel. I had a little to much ammonia and my ph was not good.
I have removed my axolotls and was hopeing to redo the tank a little more officiantly this time.
this is why I was asking about sand, it seems much easier to clean, the only thing is I feel as though it is a waste to not use the powerheads for I spent so much on them.
thats why I was wondering if I could use them with a sand set up someway and just ditch the under gravel filter.
I'm sorry if that wasn't clear enough. I'll go take some pictures. I've almost emptied the tank so it looks pretty bad but you'll get the gist.
also their are photos of bobo and julie in the gallery 'the gang' which shows the subsrtate.
thank you guys for helping me so much!
umm in my opinion i wuld put a peice of tubing pipe on the output bit of the filter then put holes in the pipe so the output isnt as powerfull and wont stress your axie.
yeah I was going to do that if I didn't get sand but can I do it if I get sand? sorry bit confused

(Message edited by melanie on October 14, 2005)
If you get sand, and still want to use the undergravel filter, a trick I learned is to wrap the plates in pantyhose, so the sand doesn't slip between the cracks. Then just use a thin layer of sand.

But definately put a spraybar (plastic hoes of some sort) on the output if you plan on keeping the powerheads.
great idea! thank you so much for this!my brother got a plastic tube and put holes in it then put gravel inside then put an empty pen case inside the grvel with holes in it and put the outlet into that, is that correct?
thankyou so much for all your help my bobo and julie will be very greatfull.
Mel, I'm not sure I can quite picture what kind of spraybar you've built, but if it works, then it's great! You should post a pic. We like ingenius things around here.
hey, that looks very inventive!! looks great i think it should work fine.
you probably dont need that gravel in there at all. another way to do that is attach some sort of hose and silicon/attach suction cups etc to the hose and the glass. you need to have a row of holes drilled in the hose though (probably best only one row all in a line, you dont want water spraying out of the tank!!) you could leave the end un blocked if you like or plug it up. it creates a nice 'water fall' effect and a added bonus is it airates the water as it falls back down into the tank!!
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