Constipated/impacted axolotl


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Jul 12, 2018
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Hi there, first time posting.
Im really worried about my axo Darwin and with some research i concluded that shes badly constipated with a lot of food ( no im not using gravel and there is nothing in my tank smaller enough for her to gooble) i usually feed her with good earthworm but last week i was gone for vacation so im giving her some minnows to hunt ( i know its not the best but she have never get any trouble with this type of food in the past) now i feel horrible because i think she just ate too much of them. when we arrive from vacation she was alright nothing seems wrong with her.. but three day later she begin to get visible veins and a little of fungus dropping out of his cloaca ( when she get fungus they dissapears by themself) so usually fungus doesnt worry me but i never see fungus out of cloaca so i start to stressed. she stop eating even her beloved earthworm no poop either ( she usually poop once a week). i start to stress more searching what was wrong with her exactly..

three day later my bf wake me up saying that she was dead. she was in the bottom of the tank on her side with two red patch on each side of her stomach ( like if she was getting a internal bleeding!) then i choose to fridge her immediatly, i thought she was going to be alright in the tank like i say she always fight well constipation and fungus by herself but this time i never saw that with her. in the fridge her two red spot dissapear but shes full of gas sometime i massage her she drop some bubble and i can put her on her belly. yesterday i found her on her side again but this time she get a red spot again on the side she was and her skin fall of i think its because she was all night long in this position and her right leg is bright red.. so i think its scepticemia with a lot of constipation.

im helpless all veterinarian in my city cant see reptile. one guy with some experience help me saying that i need to force feed my axi with daphinea because it will lubrifie her stomach. im scared to try but i know its the only option i have now beside waiting. i found a post here of someone who seems to have the same trouble as me and he use some erythromicine for the sceptie and it heal his axi but im not sure.. im hoping that if she can poop she will be able to cure all her other trouble slowly

i would like to know if someone have experience such terror with his axi and what to do i cant lose her shes only 2 years old and i have always try my best to give her confort so im devasted to see her like that. thanks for your help :'( here some picture took since the fridging.


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Have you tried fridging her? If not here I would highly reccomend it. When axolotls are cooled down their body naturally tries to eject and food or waste left inside. Fridging will help to prevent undigested food from rotting in the digestive tract. When your axolotl has swallowed stones or is otherwise impacted or constipated, fridging can help it clear its system out naturally. If you need a fridging guide, here is one for you -
Yes its her 3 days of fridging still nothing beside her left side whos no more red but a little more swollen than the right side. 2 weeks without poop and 1 week without eating
I would recommend taking her to the vet. Unfortunately there's not a lot other than fridging that you can do for a constipated/impacted axolotl, but I will do some research and if I find anything else out I will let you know. I hope she gets well soon!
Sadly there is no one in my city whos willing to see an axolotl. She keep getting worse and worse each day. Also petshop here cant sell antibiotic because the vet want all the money and its too late to buy some from amazon the package will arrive in 2 weeks... i wish i could act faster :( i think she will die soon.
Really sorry you're going through this. It's scary when you have a sick animal :(
Like Dolphinlover55 said the best thing is to keep fridging. Change the water in the fridge every day so ammonia doesn't build up.
If it's red leg I don't think there is much to do unfortunately. The best chance she has is the fridge/vet. Keep searching around in case there is an exotic vet hidden away. Maybe someone on here lives where you do and may know a vet.
Shes no more reacting i think she passed away.. im so angry at myself and sad. I dont know if i should get another one i miss her so much.. but i dont want to live this again. :'(

Thanks everyone who anwser me - xx-
Shes no more reacting i think she passed away.. im so angry at myself and sad. I dont know if i should get another one i miss her so much.. but i dont want to live this again. :'(

Thanks everyone who anwser me - xx-
Im so sorry to hear that she passed ? I'm sure you did all you could to keep her alive. I would take her tank down and clean it very well, even start over the cycle if you havevto, before getting another axie.
Again, so sorry for your loss.

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Really sorry for your loss :(
There is a thread on the sick axolotl page about someone's axolotl who had red leg. They explain what they used to disinfect the tank which you may find helpful.
I'm so sorry about your axolotl :( I know what it's like to loose a loved pet, and I'm so sorry you had to go through that. You shouldn't be angry at yourself though, we all make mistakes. I wish I could have helped you more then I did. Again, I'm so sorry about your loss.
im sorry for your loss but did u try feeding daphenia when u had the chance or looking on google for exotic vets cause u know that is something that could help in hte future
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