Constipated axolotl girl. No poop for months

Oct 27, 2017
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Third time I am putting my axolotl girl in the fridge and she has been constipated for at least 3 months now. Never any poo, sometimes a small batch of greenish vomit.
Cant afford to take her to a pet-clinic and is frustated over what to do. Perhaps put her in a plastic bag and just slam her onto the floor. Dont know. She has a big belly, and this big belly has been constant. Today I ordered dried prunes + ex-lax pills. Perhaps try one of these firstly, in 20 min baths (like with salt), and then put her back in clean water in the fridge? No idea. She is about 6 years old.
Correction. The prunes are "squased 100% prunes for babies" -Humans that is.
when was the last time she ate anything?
can you put a picture up?
Putting her in a plastic bag and slamming her onto the floor will seriously hurt her. Please do not do that. I know it's stressful for you but she is still a living animal.
She actually ate a small worm about 3 weeks ago. Before this worm, I think 1-2 times in the past 3 months. I only feed them directly "from above" with pellets, they never get a chance to look around for food. So pretty good idea of what she has been eating. Beforehand, and the reason why this happened, I blame the mealworms with their outer sceletons / skins. Cant see any other reason. // Second reply: A plastic bag to the floor is my last resort ie end her suffering.
She actually ate a small worm about 3 weeks ago. Before this worm, I think 1-2 times in the past 3 months. I only feed them directly "from above" with pellets, they never get a chance to look around for food. So pretty good idea of what she has been eating. Beforehand, and the reason why this happened, I blame the mealworms with their outer sceletons / skins. Cant see any other reason. // Second reply: A plastic bag to the floor is my last resort ie end her suffering.
That is not a humane way to euthanize an animal. The most humane way to euthanize an axolotl is with clove oil or some other kind of tranquilizer which you would minister a first dose of to anesthesize and a second dose of to kill.

If you weren't feeding the mealworms when the exoskeleton was soft, then it is certainly possible her health issues might be related to the mealworms. Don't try to beat yourself up though.
mealworm and other shelled insects if unfortunate to be in the water would be happily eaten in the wild and won't cause bloating like your axolotl is suffering.
by the looks of it it seems like fluid retention oedema, unfortunately there isn't a lot of research done on the condition apart from it not being contagious, it is questionable as to whether it is caused by omosis, infection or organ failure, left with the condition the organs will fail though.
the only advice to help and perhaps cure would be to increase the water salinity to draw some of the fluid out, this would mean adding 3g of salt into every litre of water that your axolotl is in, also it would be worth while looking into using holtfreters solution in the water.
if you do euthanize please as autistic catholic said use clove oil to do so.
Possible fluid retention oedema, = adding 3g of salt into every litre of water?
I let her in the aquarium yesterday after 24 hours rest,from the fridge, and she went mad. Swimming on the surface like crazy, so I think she where in pain.
Took her back in the fridge with fresh water. Ok. Clove oil. Drip that into the water within the container she has been within.
Ordered Smashed baby prunes and ex-lax pills today. But no comment about these? The prunes are only smashed prunes and for sure work for us humans.
What would veterinarians do if I had the money? What happens if I burn a needle and let the fluids come out?
3g of salt into every litre of water you use ie.. if you put her in 2 litres of dechlorinated water you would dissolve 6g salt into it and so on.
adding prunes would just foul the water, same with ex-lax. magnesium sulphate (epsom salts) may act as a diuretic, amount to use is 0.1g per litre.
was she acclimatised to the tank temperature before putting her in, also her gills are quite regressed so she could have been panicking because of needing oxygen.
a vet would probably use a syringe to draw some fluid out, just putting a hole in her with a hot needle and hoping to squeeze some fluid out will just cause more damage.
a vet may also recommend anti-biotics.
Thank you all for the help. I will start using the salt recipe. She was out for 24 hours before letting her in to the tank. The need for more oxygen might actually been the case then, because the finally just laid on top of my pump, where the water and also "bubbles" comes out to everybody in the tank.
Forgot. I have also bought Senna leaves? This perhaps will get her stomach going? Or is none of my 3 purschases any good, when considering that she is dying? ex-lax pills, senna leaves, and smashed prunes 100% (baby food).
Text gone. 2 questions, happy for help. Use sand as substrate.
Clove oil. This ok: Eterisk Olja - Kryddnejlika - 10 ml
2 adult tiger salamanders. Get mealworms. A danger to them too? (Also gets outdoor-worms)
always squeeze the head/jaws of mealworm as they have been known to eat their way back out of the animal that has been fed them, this applies to reptiles as well as amphibians.
Thanks. Often squash the heads but have never removed them before and sometimes without squashing at all.

Have read some more on clove oil. But read that she also might wake back up. So should move her afterwards to a ethanol /ethyl bath?
Can someone please help me with some numbers and specifics so that she falls asleep the correct way?
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