Hi, folks. I found this page looking for info about salamander eggs. My daughter Ana, who is four, found some eggs and a couple of salamanders in a bucket of rain water at the neighbor's house. Apparently the salalmanders climb in there a alot this time of year as they are migrating to lay eggs and the house is right next to a wetland. Ana really wants to raise this one egg. We have it in a small mason jar with holes in the lid and are keeping it on the porch, as I thought it should be at outdoor temperature. Should we do anything for it? Change the water, add algae or plants? I'm thinking it may not be fertile as I don't know if there was a male in the bucket or two females.
How long will it take to hatch if it is?
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks! LIZ
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How long will it take to hatch if it is?
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks! LIZ
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