Compatible animals


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Jun 25, 2008
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Northern Wisconsin
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I want to get some ghost shrimp to clean up some waste and was wondering if anyone else has ghost shrimp for that reason. I know they may be eaten. Also do minnows create a lot of waste? What animals do you people have in your newt tanks besides newts?
Re: Compatable animals

I know from past posts you've already been given the horror story link, so I won't bother. I bought ghost shrimp in the past as pets. Most died, but a few lived for a very long time before being eaten by large apistos. I wouldn't keep fish with newts.
Re: Compatable animals

Some people have kept ghost shrimp and white cloud minnows successfully with their newts.
Re: Compatable animals

I'm a bit concerned about the notion that shrimp (or any other tankmate) are going to clean up waste. They may eat an occasional piece of stray food, but their overall impact is nil. And really they just convert waste from its original form into shrimp or fish poo, so they really are mainly converting it, not getting rid of much. If you tank has waste, there is no substitute for a siphon.
Re: Compatable animals

I use a turkey baster and clean thier cage every day. I decided not to get any tank mates, at least for now because of given reasons and want a successful breeding this spring, so I am trying to reduce stress.
Re: Compatable animals

An alternative to reduce waste will be to plant lot of aquatic plants. That should make you a healthy community of newts.
i dont keep any other animals with my newts, as most of them are in unheated tanks , but i have found that golden lyretail panchax (a minnow sized killifish) do a wonderfull job of eating anything parasitic in my frog tanks( allens goliath frogs), but these are far too slow to be in a tank with newts! :D
i keep a golden apple snail (used to have 2) unlike alot of snail species they are hetrosexual (i think thats the word for having males and females) and its possible to sex them so i only put males in and never had an issue. they look nice do a bit of cleaning and are the only animal i would ever house with my newts
you need to be very carefull with snails (see the axolotl horror stories about snails with closable shells!) they can be FULL of parasites , and unfortunately most treatments to kill parasitic worms and flukes that they usually carry, will also kill the snails! like sterazin, if i were you id get rid of them
Just make sure they can not fit in the animals mouth. Some smaller snails can be digested, but not some bigger ones. As he said, they are newts which I do not think would be capable of swallowing a golden apple snail.
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