Golden (D/d or D/D, a/a) v. Wildtype (D/d or D/D A/a or A/A): You could get all wildtypes (D/d or D/D, A/a or A/A), but if the wildtype is recessive for albino (A/a), then you'll get 50/50 wildtype/albino.
White (d/d, A/?) v. Golden (D/d or D/D, a/a): hard to say. Probably a mix of wildtype (D/d, A/a), leucistic (d/d, A/?)(if your golden is recessive for white D/d), and golden (D/d, a/a), as long as your leucistic is recessive for albino (A/a).
(Message edited by Joan on December 06, 2005)