Cold Water Plants for Chinese Fire-Belly Newts


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Feb 7, 2010
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United States
Hi, I have had my newt tank for pretty much 3 years now and no water plants seem to work. I have lots of mosses, ivy, and ferns above water that do great though. Its just that every time I get a water plant it survives for a week then dies. Anyone now what kind of plants that could work thanks.
How deep is the water? Current? Lighting? What sort of plants have you tried?

Many common aquarium plants do fine in cool water. Vals, cabomba, hornwort, Elodea canadensis, banana plant, hairgrasses, Najas, many Ludwigia, etc. are temperate zone plants and should do well in your tank. Swords and java fern are also quite hardy. You may have trouble with crypts and other tropical plants.

Be aware that some plants sold as aquarium plants, such as mondo grass and lucky bamboo, are not aquatic and usually die after a few weeks submersed. Also, some true aquatic plants are grown emersed and may "melt" after being placed in the aquarium but usually recover in a few days or weeks.
I have tried almost every plant they sell at the pet store and nothing will work except duckweed. There is barely any current. Lighting is 10 to 12 hours a day.
Java moss is a very nice plant! I have it in with my tropical fish tank and my fire belly newt tank. It thrives in both. The lighting in my tank is not very good, but it still does amazing! If I were you, I would get my hands on some of this.
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