Illness/Sickness: Cloudy eyes and white tips on gills


New member
Apr 25, 2013
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One of my wild-type axolotl has somewhat cloudy eyes and tiny white tips on his gills, does anyone have an idea what could be causing this?

The water parameters in my tank are just fine and the temperature is at a steady 19 °C. She is eating fine and active as normal, just... cloudy eyes and those tiny white tips on the gills. The other axolotls in the tank look as fine as always.

Attached is a picture of her


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Both those symptoms are often related to water quality - I suggest you do some testing and a water change.
I'm sure the nitrogen cycle is fine in my tank, got about 15ppm nitrates at the moment, ammonia/nitrite at 0.

The pH and hardness are a bit on he low side maybe, 7.2pH, 8°GH and 6°KH

my tank is a 600 liter tank with ~180 liter biological filter setup, including trickle filter to ensure enough oxygen in the water, UV lamp to deal with free floating bacteria and fungi and chiller to deal with temperature
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