Cloudy Eye in Cynops Orientalis


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Sep 16, 2009
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I already read the article that was linked to several eye problem threads but I have a few additional questions and feedback.

I have 16 firebellies in a massive (length-wise) 60 gal tank (they really need to stop reproducing!). Their water is impeccable and always perfectly clean. This guy is one of my second-generation spawns and is less than 5 years old.

I noticed that yesterday, one of my big guys had a cloudy eye. I took him out, put him in quarantine. Picked up some sterile opthomalic gel (with polymixin and bacitracin - out over the counter stuff in Canada doesn't include neomycin, you need an rx for it). Treated him right away and was going to treat him 2x/day when...

Thing is, when I took him out, I noticed he was shedding his skin. Most of it came off last night. I am wondering if the cloudy eye is just a problem with the shedding of his skin and it will clear up on its own - or if it is some kind of irritation. There is no infection that I can see, no fibers or anything, its just a cloudy eye - it looks like the clear lens is just clouded. I know it is hard to diagnose what it is without the help of an exotic vet, but I do not have any nearby.

Any feedback is mucho appreciated!!
I would just watch it closely. It could be a shedding-related issue that will clear up on its own.

(Also, nice work with having them reproduce into several generations of newts!)
Thanks for the reply, Jennewt.

I'm an overprotective "Mom" with any and all pets of mine, so I can't help but want to try to make sure I can "fix" whatever problem any may have!

I will give it until Sunday to see if it clears on its own. I'm more worried that the eye will deteriorate to nothing if there is some form of problem left untouched. When he's wandering around in the tank, clouded eye facing the front, it almost looks like a dead animal's eye and it just breaks my heart. He is, to be noted, in great shape; compared to his siblings he is one of my 'fatties', I like to call them. He had his fair helping of food tonight!

Should I continue with the ophthalmic gel or simply let the eye do its own thing?
hi guys,

no improvement. if anything, perhaps the same but no improvement. any suggestions? would be much appreciated. will post pics when he's out of hiding tomorrow morning. :(

edit: he is perpetually hiding under one of the rocks. he eats, like a cow, but stays in hiding under the same exact rock. any ideas? its killing me to see one of my 16 "babies" sick...who have all been so healthy for years.
I can't think of any bullet-proof advice. The gel might help, or it might not. The newt might get better, with or without the antibiotics, or it may become a chronic problem. It's certainly encouraging that the newt is eating and behaving normally - that suggests that it's not a massive infection.
Thanks for your reply. I guess you're right - just have to hope it clears up. Am supposed to take off for the weekend but this guy is making me feel guilty if I leave! Hah
Sorry - I dont mean to be posting like crazy, but here is a pic if it helps with any feedback.

Feeding frenzy time:
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I thought I would give you guys an update.

The gel was not yielding any results, put him back into the tank. Kept it exceptionally clean. His eye now appears to be disintegrating, and I cannot figure out why. It is just...disappearing. It is not fuzzy and he is still eating like the little cow he is.

I have put him back into quarantine tonight but there doesn't appear to be much I can do. Any suggestions?
Please help.... :(

I took my flashlight to my tank tonight (their light is not very bright); and I found a second one with a cloudy eye. Now, I know it must be something IN the tank but I have no idea what since I keep the tank immaculate. The two with the cloudy eyes are in quarantine. I will have to treat both tanks, though.

What should I treat them with? I remember, several years back, one of my newts had an infected toe and I trated with Maracyn with excellent results. Thoughts?

Help :(
Thought I would give an update...again. Here's to hoping someone will read this and provide me with some feedback.

Tested the nitrites and annomia levels this morning. Both are at 0. Not 0.1, not 0.3 - zero! The water is very clean so there must be some kind of infection in the tank. As I had mentioned, the two with the cloudy eyes have been put into quarantine and I have begun treating them with Maracyn powder. The BNP was not proving to be effective since he would manage to wipe the "glob" of it off on something within a matter of seconds of being back in the quarantine.

Also treating the main 60 gal wih Maracyn.

How long does it take to begin to see results of the antibiotic usually? 3-5 days?
Not that anyone is replying but I thought I would keep this thread updated in case anyone else encounters this problem and wants feedback.

Day 3 of Maracyn and I am not seeing any improvement in either of the newts eyes. This meaning that the problem is not a gram-positive, or fungal, one.

Thinking of trying Maracyn 2 to see if it is gram-negative (I know a lot of people have their split opinions on Maracyn but I have used it before with excellent results, and no, it is not toxic!). Otherwise I may have run out of options as I have tried all possible solutions. One guy's eye is beyond the point that I think it CAN get better, so he will likely lose it, which TOTALLY breaks my heart. I just have to ensure the socket will be kept clean so as not to get infected.

I haven't replied because I don't know how to help; however I think keep updating is a good idea :)

EDIT: I also meant to say I hope your little newts get better soon
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Thanks for the well-wishes. I think its case whereby nobody knows what to do. Its just a mystery where "it" came from. All I can think of is that, possibly, a plant or something (that I boiled prior to putting in the tank) had some kind of organism, or something, on it. That is really all I can think of.
I don't have much help, either, but do keep updating to keep the post alive. Have you pm'd one of the vets here? Have you consulted w/ an exotic vet where you are? They would be my next plans of attacks.

Good luck,
The exotic vets here do not know much about newts here. In fact, I feel more comfortable since I feel like I know a *bit* more.

In any case: Sunday update - Started on Maracyn 2. On day 2. I do believe I am seeing some clearing (slightly) in the second guy who's eye is not as bad as the first. The first guy's eye cannot be saved, I can only hope this will prevent any form of infection.
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