The subject asks the question.
We bought our first axis a couple of weeks ago, so we're not sure what's normal. Last week, the cloaca seemed very swollen and he was floating and walking with the rear end up. It was fridged for a few days, had an ”explosion", and was returned to the tank. I think the cloaca is much less swollen. The rear end up floating seems to have ended and it doesn't seem like it has any trouble staying on the bottom or getting around. Still, I will find it floating on the surface (upright) and floating suspended mid tank or even resting in odd positions on stuff, almost like it's planking.
Is this normal behavior or cause for concern? Can anyone judge whether the cloaca appears normal or what gender it is? I have attached two photos. It is 8 to 9" long and the toe tips are white.
Lastly, I'm not sure whether I am feeding it a good amount. I do an occasional shrimp pellet and I am also giving it about 1/4 of a Canadian Crawler a day.
Any thoughts?
We bought our first axis a couple of weeks ago, so we're not sure what's normal. Last week, the cloaca seemed very swollen and he was floating and walking with the rear end up. It was fridged for a few days, had an ”explosion", and was returned to the tank. I think the cloaca is much less swollen. The rear end up floating seems to have ended and it doesn't seem like it has any trouble staying on the bottom or getting around. Still, I will find it floating on the surface (upright) and floating suspended mid tank or even resting in odd positions on stuff, almost like it's planking.
Is this normal behavior or cause for concern? Can anyone judge whether the cloaca appears normal or what gender it is? I have attached two photos. It is 8 to 9" long and the toe tips are white.
Lastly, I'm not sure whether I am feeding it a good amount. I do an occasional shrimp pellet and I am also giving it about 1/4 of a Canadian Crawler a day.
Any thoughts?