I'd say no, although both species are similar, the Japanese species tends to grow larger than the Chinese species. There may also be aggression between species. Mixing in general is a poor idea.
Just because one person has not experienced any problems yet does not mean that keeping the two species together is a good idea. It is true that some people have kept different Cynops species together with some success, but personally, I think it would be much better to just keep two separate tanks. One for C.pyrrhogaster and one for C.orientalis. That way, there isn't even the chance for any problems to arise.
The two species will interbreed, which is another good reason to not put them together. I would say it's OK to put them together only if you can answer a firm "yes" to all of the following questions: (1) Is the tank at least a 20-long in size or larger with plenty of plants and hides? (2) If they lay eggs will you throw the eggs away? (3) Will you hand-feed in order to ensure that all newts have an equal opportunity to get the food? (4) Do you have a backup tank available in case you need to separate them? (5) Have all newts been quarantined to guard against new germs spreading from the newcomer?
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