Chinensis confuzhongensis



i have many of what appear to be chinensis-but they may be fuzhongensis. so i need to know how to differentiate between the two. some have tails that have high red markings-and although i can see some differences-i can also see many similarities -so i get nowhere

is there a sort of key to figuring this out-or do i have to whip out the gel electrophoresis equipment and do southern blots? i bought about 8 together -and had about 7 more already. the 8 at the store had caudopunctatus mixed in with them-so they also could be a mixed bag. pleasse help- i really dont want them interbreeding.
Hi Paris, chinensis seem to frequently have yellow spots on the underside at the joints where the legs meet with the body, and their tails often have an unbroken red/orange line. Don't know if this is a rule though. See this link for some more details:
the yellow spot identification doesnt pan out all the time-they appear to loose it-i have adults that dont have the spot-and the only way i know they are chinensis is i have seen their offspring. all mine seem to have a solid red stripe on the underside of the tail-but some of that red creeps up the sides in a few 'reverse drip marks' and others it colours a good portion of the tail. some have belly colour that is yellow orange-but then right at the tail base it changes hue to a red orange-others have a universal colour on the underside-and two even have almost a fusha colour!-both of those females. is there any way to tell from belly patterns?-that would be easy for me to get scans of.
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