New member
This is a really naive question from a newbie owner.
I have an adult male that I adopted from a friend recently.
I recently managed to borrow a idle chiller from my lab for at least the coming summer.
(perks of being a researcher in an amphibian lab)
It’s an Aqua Euro 1/4hp, a giant overkill for my 20 gal tank.
(may upgrade to a larger tank later and get my own chiller, but don’t have the money now...)
I have a basic hang-on filter that came with the tank.
I am now shopping for a pump/filter pump that could go with the borrowed chiller.
So the question is, should I get a pump to hook up to the chiller, and keep the filter?
Or should I get a pump that also filters (is there a product like that?)
Any recommended product? ( I’m in the US)
Or would you recommend just invest in a canister filter?
Do you still need a pump for it?
Also, probably an overkill again for my tiny 20 gal...
Thank you!
This is a really naive question from a newbie owner.
I have an adult male that I adopted from a friend recently.
I recently managed to borrow a idle chiller from my lab for at least the coming summer.
(perks of being a researcher in an amphibian lab)
It’s an Aqua Euro 1/4hp, a giant overkill for my 20 gal tank.
(may upgrade to a larger tank later and get my own chiller, but don’t have the money now...)
I have a basic hang-on filter that came with the tank.
I am now shopping for a pump/filter pump that could go with the borrowed chiller.
So the question is, should I get a pump to hook up to the chiller, and keep the filter?
Or should I get a pump that also filters (is there a product like that?)
Any recommended product? ( I’m in the US)
Or would you recommend just invest in a canister filter?
Do you still need a pump for it?
Also, probably an overkill again for my tiny 20 gal...
Thank you!