Chatroom change


Staff member
Feb 6, 2001
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John Clare
Is that chatroom thing at the top of most of the pages annoying? Comments? Some people wanted that for a while but I'm not sure how it will go down with the majority. I might be able to customize the template to shrink it or something but I'm open to comments.
For what it's worth, I hardly noticed it until you mentioned it.
I hadn't even really noticed it, but then I can be quite unobservant at times. Don't find it annoying.
I personally don't find it annoying, maybe more people will see that there is a chat room and will actually use it.
Meh I am indifferent. There are heaps of buttons I don't use but don't really mind them. I use keywords in Firefox to directly link to favourite pages anyway. Only ads bother me but you've taken care of that so I don't even need my ad blocker. ;)
Meh I am indifferent. There are heaps of buttons I don't use but don't really mind them. I use keywords in Firefox to directly link to favourite pages anyway. Only ads bother me but you've taken care of that so I don't even need my ad blocker. ;)
You want some ads ? :p
Is there a purpose to putting the chat room up the top? Perhaps some sort of incentive for people to engage in chatting more often? I've noticed on another website (Superman :p) that I go to, they have a dedicated 'chat hour'. It seems to work out pretty well, even with the time differences. A designated 'chat hour' might give newbies a chance to ask questions and get detailed answers. Or better yet, just get to know the greater Caudata community :happy:

You want some ads ? :p

Arghh *hides*

Jay said:
've noticed on another website (Superman :p) that I go to, they have a dedicated 'chat hour'. It seems to work out pretty well, even with the time differences. A designated 'chat hour' might give newbies a chance to ask questions and get detailed answers. Or better yet, just get to know the greater Caudata community :happy:

I like this idea!
Is that chatroom thing at the top of most of the pages annoying? Comments? Some people wanted that for a while but I'm not sure how it will go down with the majority. I might be able to customize the template to shrink it or something but I'm open to comments.

I find the chat box at the top of the page nice. In the past it was at the bottom of the page and I usually scroll down to it to see who is chatting. Having it at the top of the page may encourage people to participate in chatting. More visibility may spawn greater interest.
Who wants a chat hour then? You can ask me, or even someone who knows something, questions.
I like having the chat log at the top - there are actually people using the chat today!

I think we particularly need a dedicated axolotl chat hour.
Well, if nobody else is going to suggest anything, I'll vote for either 9 am or 9 pm my time (GMT+1).

I have net at home and all day at work so usually pretty available. Anytime other than between 3pm and 11pm UTC is fine with me as then I am either asleep or on the train to work :p. Figure it is easiest to talk in UTC time due to the time zone differences :p
The chat seemed pretty steady yesterday possibly due to the 'chatter's bar' located at eye level and is a bit more noticeable. If you ever look in the coolers at stores the middle shelves normally run out first because people don't want to reach up or lean down to get a drink.

What hour will be chat hour?
I can't do Eva's requested 9pm her time unless it's a weekend (Saturday or Sunday).
Same goes for her other time too.
Sunday evenings 9pm my time would be wonderful for me. I keep missing the German chat because it's 9pm Satuday nights and that's an evening for 3D visitors. ;)

If the chat hour is to be a daily thing, I could probably manage two or three nights during the week at that same time, although I'd usually have to miss on one or two nights each week due to having company.

During the week I am also here from around 8 am until 4 pm with the occasional break for running errands. So I'm flexible. Just thought, like I wrote, that if nobody else was going to venture a time, I'd pick my ideal slot. :D
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