Hi, I swapped from large pebbles (which is what they were used to before i got them) to a bare bottomed tank but it looked a bit too bare for my liking and i wondered if the reflection from the glass bottom would stress my axies so i changed again to sand a few weeks ago and couldnt be happier. (i was going to try a slate bottom but i bought a brand new tank and didnt want to scratch it, i still want to try slate out in my currently empty old tank tho)
I personally think sand looks great as well as being safe and practical and its actually very easy to keep clean, i spot clean every day which is simple as any waste just sits on top of the sand and i do a partial water change every week with a syphon, a little sand does get sucked up when doing that but not much.
One thing i did find tho - i bought 'play sand' to start with but after using over 100 litres of water rinsing it (i know cos i had to use one bucket of water at a time!) it still wasnt clean, it was a very mucky dark brown colour and the water was still not running off it clear so i ditched that idea and hunted down some aquatic sand, it said it didnt need rinsing but i gave it one rinse anyway but it was perfectly ok, it didnt cloud the water and is a lovely golden colour. Maybe the play sand i got was a bit dodgy i dont know, but i'm very happy with the aquatic sand.
I've had no problems with the water quality since adding sand, its still as clear as always and the levels are all fine. My axies seem to love it too and its so cute seeing little axie footprints lol! :happy: