Changing Entire Set up - FBT's



Hi, well I'm not real happy with the 1/3 land, 2/3 water set up and I don't think the firebelly toads are either. They spend 95% of their time on land so I wish I would have given them a lot more land and just a container of water. Sure would seem to have been a lot easier to keep clean as well.

I did have peat moss and then a thin layer of sphagnum moss on top of the peat but they kept getting the sphagnum moss in their mouths when they were trying to catch their crickets and last night one toad had a long piece stuck in his throat. He could not get it out so I had to help him and believe me it wasn't easy to get it out. It must have been stuck down in his throat GRRR. So out came all the sphagnum moss. Now of course since there is only the peat moss, the toads are constantly filthy.

I want to remove the glass partition and put mostly a land area with just a tupperware container of water in for them since they don't spend much time in the water. I would like some help coming up with a better substrate than the peat moss so any help there would be greatly appreciated.
Hi, I'm summer. i have 4 fbt. their cage has 2 bowls of water and land. i went to Wal-Mart in the plant part and got 2 bowls for 89 cents. they work great and r easy to clean. They also come in all different sizes. to fit the cage. the rest of my cage is land w/ some live plants. real plants help fbt bones grow better is what i have herd and one of mine loves to hide by it and well.. has got bigger then the rest. my land is made of white rock that is reuse able all u have to do is cook it. also in your cage have lots of hiding places because they love to hide! also maybe put 1 or 2 water plants to put in the water bowls because then they will fill like their in the wild. i hope i have help. please write back or email me at this add.
i use gravel for my tank half land half water but i do keep the water level up where the gravel on land is damp but not soaked. i also keep some java moss on the land side but not where i feed them. i also provide them with a half of coconut shell for a little hut i call it the coco-hut lol and they love it.
I have a 55 gallon semi-aquatic tank with a tree stump, bonsai tree, and bark that 8 fire-bellied toads have lived in for at least seven to nine months with no problems. I currents changing my tank, because I also has fire-bellied newts, fish, Eastern newts, and paddle-tailed, but I decided to separate them all into there own tanks. Nevertheless, these will do well in a semi-aquatic setting or the land/water setting as you plan.
how do i make a 50% land and 50% water set-up with a slant in between the land and water?
U can use silicone sealent and secure a piece of glass or perspects at the desired angle. I have an oriental fire bellied toad and 2 fire bellied newts in a 15 gallon aquarium with the water depth about 5in and lots of plants, rocks and a filter.
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