I just bought myself a CFB on a whim walking around in a pet store. I had never seen them before and figured they'd be easy to care for. I had him in a small bowl for a few days with rocks and plants for him climb on and rest and about 3 inches of water. He seemed content and would swim around and enjoy himself, he's been eating good too. I came across this site in means to learn about newts and when i saw all the beautiful setups some of you have (and after reading enough to know a fish bowl was not gonna do it for my firebelly)i went out and got some stuff for a setup. I didnt find enough of what i really was looking for but i made a pretty decent one for under 40 bucks total.
Now here's my question(s). When he was in the small fish bowl he seemed to never want to come out of the water, only when he appeared to be sleeping would he be laying up on the floating plants. As Soon as I put him in the new tank in the open water it looked like he was freaking out. He was zipping back and forth pretty fast and kept rushing to the surface- I put my finger on the glass and it seemed to follow it to the land area he calmed down. Now he's resting underwater again, in the far corner behind the plants and not really taking advantage of any of the space.
Does he just need to get used to it? Could it be that the air conditioner is on high and blowing at that side of the tank? The water on the opposite side is reading 72F (22C) so i dont see why he wouldnt like the other side if it was a temperature issue.
My last question is how long does it take for a CFB to mature to full size? Right now he appears to be a baby , not larval but still smaller than a quarter (USD, or a small coin for that matter)..
Thanx! Comments/questions welcomed!
(Message edited by mildgold on September 11, 2005)

Now here's my question(s). When he was in the small fish bowl he seemed to never want to come out of the water, only when he appeared to be sleeping would he be laying up on the floating plants. As Soon as I put him in the new tank in the open water it looked like he was freaking out. He was zipping back and forth pretty fast and kept rushing to the surface- I put my finger on the glass and it seemed to follow it to the land area he calmed down. Now he's resting underwater again, in the far corner behind the plants and not really taking advantage of any of the space.
Does he just need to get used to it? Could it be that the air conditioner is on high and blowing at that side of the tank? The water on the opposite side is reading 72F (22C) so i dont see why he wouldnt like the other side if it was a temperature issue.
My last question is how long does it take for a CFB to mature to full size? Right now he appears to be a baby , not larval but still smaller than a quarter (USD, or a small coin for that matter)..
Thanx! Comments/questions welcomed!
(Message edited by mildgold on September 11, 2005)