CFB and snail?


Sep 25, 2009
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United Kingdom
Ok I've another species mixing question...I have read the species mixing page but I've been reading the net and it seems to be recommended; I just wondered what people's personal opinions are.

Would you mix a snail in with two chinese fire bellied newts?

I have two CFBs and a chocolate apple snail. Haven't had any problems, and it's been 10 months.
The possible issues with snails and newts are predation, differences in housing requirements and the possibility of introducing parasites.
Big snails, like apple snails can suck on a newt, causing skin damage. Smaller snails can be eaten with the possibility of impaction (although my newts seem to have no problem excreting the shell). Many species of snails that are commonly found in pet-shops have substantially different requirements than caudates and therefore housing them together is going to compromise the health of one or the other.
Finally, wild snails should be avoided since they are parasite vectors.

I have Physa pontinalis in all my aquatic tanks and never had a problem.
That was my issue with snails (the sucking on skin). I really want a snail (I have a fish tank and a newt tank) but the snail would be a pain in the fish tank, so that is why I was wondering for the newt tank.

I was thinking of a ramshorn snail (which are cold water - i.e. pond snails); an apple snail (which I think I'd like) but I'm just a bit concerned about the difference in temperature - of course my newts come first or a nerite snail. I haven't even heard of Physa pontinalis before; but I'll go and have a look.
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